Developer Newsletters

Are you currently involved in developing software or other technical work?

Do you want to start learning or improve your knowledge of some of the technologies out there?

Sign up for one of our Developer newsletters to get notified when we publish the latest developer guides to help you in your quest for a more fulfilled developer career.

For each developer newsletter you sign up for, you will also get a full 5-part course to help you start building projects and skills in that area.

And, if you have friends or colleagues who could use these resources, please, share the link to this page with them.

Signup below to get the upcoming Fluent React course when it is released in MARCH 2025

Meanwhile, you also get the week-long "React Developer" series of lessons to help you start developing with React using a practical sample project.

Signup for these Developer Newsletters

These are our current developer newsletters.

Please, feel free to signup to the ones whose topics and techs coverage you want to learn more about.

Each developer newsletter gives you a free course to help you get started and strong in the fundamentals of the frameworks or technologies covered by that newsetter.

Just click, signup and start learning and building your skills in the tech workforce.